Women suffer from migraines more than men. Usually, migraine happens when the body is going through hormonal changes due to the monthly cycle. Also, migraine happens due to stress, anxiety,…

Women suffer from migraines more than men. Usually, migraine happens when the body is going through hormonal changes due to the monthly cycle. Also, migraine happens due to stress, anxiety,…
Non- prescription or over the counter (OTC) drugs are widely recommended by healthcare experts who treat a migraine and some under the counter migraine remedies are considered to be extremely beneficial in treating migraine headaches.
There are some migraine medicines which you might take to manage your health condition can either lead to or aggravate a headache. You need to work together with your healthcare provider to determine any of the pharmaceutical agents are triggering your headache.
About 28 millions of people in the USA are suffering from migraines. If you are one of them, you knew how painful and disabled a migraine headache can be. The good news is that you can easily help yourself to reduce your pain during a migraine attack or prevent migraine headaches. You can lower the risk by simply avoiding stress, alcohol, certain foods that trigger a migraine, eating a regular diet, and getting enough sleep.
A tension is the most common reason for a headache. It can cause mild, moderate or intense pain in your head, neck, behind your eyes. The majority of people who suffer from tension headaches, observes it occurring once or twice in a month on an average. However, tension headaches can also be chronic; it can last for more than 15 days a month. It is uncomfortable and tiring, but do not usually disturb sleep. People can even carry on working with a tension headache.
Having a mild headache due to body stress or emotional depression is very common, but its recurrence accompanied by nausea, lightheadedness, vomiting can be an indication of the migraine symptoms. You have to come out of its effects as early as possible.