There is not a single hair loss reason, researchers believe that getting better sleep can help reduce thinning of hair, receding hairline, or falling out. Sleep disorder effects such as…

The connection between diabetes and hair loss is well established. Hair fall is a natural process, and it doesn’t cause trouble when the lost hairs keep on replacing by the…
Hair loss is a serious concern for both men and women. When it comes to progressive hair loss, the condition is referred to as alopecia. Both in male and female,…
Is your hair gradually thinning? You are not alone. More than 50% of men over the age of 50 years are dealing with some kind of hair loss. Unfortunately, many…
Healthy and beautiful hair is the thing that everyone dreams of! Nothing beats the charm of shiny, soft hair. You can make any style and look amazing every time. But…
It is quite normal to lose hair on an everyday basis. However, the matter is concerning if you are losing an excessive amount of hair. Possible causes may include stress,…
Hair loss or hair fall is a natural phenomenon that all of us experience almost every day. We lose some 50-100 hair strands per day and we are not much concerned for that. The cycle of birth, maturity, destruction, and fall of hair follicles continues the lifetime. But, the problem arises when this cycle is disrupted and we don’t gain the new follicles, inviting a hair pattern over a period. Although baldness is also a natural incident, the question is whether we can avert or treat this hair problem with some hair supplements that are available in the market.

Hair can be described as a barometer of physical condition because hair cells are some of the fastest growing part in our body. When the body is in catastrophe, the hair cells can shut down to redirect energy elsewhere. The types of situations that can cause hair loss include hormonal misbalance, nutrient deficiencies and reduced diet, a variety of

The hair on your head can be fairly called the barometer of your overall health. There are many physical conditions that can cause hair loss. Any imbalance of thyroid hormones can cause hair loss.