There is no doubt about the fact that breast cancer is an extremely dangerous disease. Most women believe that only specialized doctors can diagnose breast cancer. When you have sudden…

There is no doubt about the fact that breast cancer is an extremely dangerous disease. Most women believe that only specialized doctors can diagnose breast cancer. When you have sudden…
Most people need some time to adjust with the fact they have one of the life-threatening disease cancer. It takes time for them to think about what is important for…
Cancer in breast tissue is known as breast cancer. In the United States, Breast cancer is found to be the most common cancer diagnosed in women after skin cancer. Though the possibilities of breast cancer exist in both male and female, it is a disease found more commonly in females. In the past few years due to the development of molecular biology, a lot of research has been done in the areas of diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. But breast cancer continues to be a major problem in the female population. Here we have provided a brief introduction to breast cancer, its different types, signs and symptoms, stages, its diagnosis and treatment as well as genetic aspect of breast cancer.
Each morning, when we rise from our sleep, among the first things we do is to look at ourselves in the mirror. How many women even think about or actually ever check their breasts for possible lumps each morning? If someday you feel a lump in your breast, it will be something you will want to attend to post haste as there could be chances of its being a cancer lump, It might cause you distress which is understandable. In such a case, nothing is more important than consulting your physician so that problem can be prevented on time.
Although men have the breast tissue, they don’t have breasts like women. Their breasts are similar as breasts of girls before puberty. In girls, breast tissue grows and develops, but in men, it doesn’t. There is still a chance of male breast cancer because it is still a breast tissue. Men can also develop symptoms of breast cancer that women do, but cancers involving the parts that make and store milk are rare. It has been reported in the United States study that about one percent of breast cancer develops in males. An estimated 2,200 new cases are diagnosed in the year 2013 in the United States out of which 410 cases of deaths occur.
Breast cancer is often categorized by a breast lump. The cancer stages range from early and curable breast cancer to metastatic breast cancer. However, there are different breast cancer treatments available. It is necessary for women to stay informed on the symptoms they need to watch out for so they can receive treatment quickly. The best example of breast cancer awareness is Angelina Jolie, who received national attention by undergoing breast surgery. She created awareness of the disease by explaining the surgery to the world. She exclaimed that a BRCA gene mutation makes risk for breast cancer and ovarian cancer incredibly high and should be treated immediately even if treatment calls for mastectomy. In the five weeks following that announcement by her, almost 3,000 more women sought testing for breast cancer.
The recent study has revealed that in India one out of twenty eight women develop breast cancer in their life time. It is the most common cancer of all. It has ceased to be a rare condition. Today, women are more open and willing to know and understand their chances of getting breast cancer. They are keen to know and consider the factors which put them at high risk. Some women are even undertaking preventive measures against breast cancer. One such case is Angelina Jolie who underwent double mastectomy to prevent breast cancer.