Pigmentation, acne, pimple and skin damage are quite natural in the people in their 20s and 30s or even after that. Frequent touching and pressing those marks can further aggravate…

Are you planning to get inked? It’s a great idea to wear a tattoo nowadays. Tattoos have become a very popular skin decoration and many people like to flaunt a decorative or symbolic depiction of a tattoo on their skin. But, do remember that getting a tattoo on your skin is not an easy task rather it is a bit painful experience for those initial days. The healing of that pain and the tattoo effects on the skin is a gradual process.

Skin sensitivity is well-known to everyone. The development of blemishes and wrinkles on the skin is very usual. But we don’t visit a dermatologist every time when we experience such a problem. However, ignoring skin problem is not a good habit rather you should know when to see a dermatologist to get proper skin care treatment so that the skin problem remains under control.