Scientists are working on smart inhalers; some are available in the pharma stores and may soon be in widespread use all over the world. These smart medications could make life easier for people who suffer from asthma attacks.

If you have asthma, it means there is a long-term inflammation in your airways. The best way to avoid asthma triggers is to modify your environment but is not enough to maintain good asthma control. Regular use of asthma medications will treat the persistent inflammation of the airways.

Asthma is a long-term disease that has no cure and it needs constant care and proper management at all times. If you are an asthma patient, your life depends on how you handle this condition. If asthma treatment is not taken properly then it can have serious consequences. Most people with the disease have the power for coping up with it through asthma care and live a normal and active life as one can do a number of things to make life easier. Below are some of the steps to avoid asthma attacks:

People suffering from asthma may also experience serious health conditions not connected to the respiratory system due to inflammation that asthma causes. New research links have shown that for a lady it could be difficult to getting pregnant if she is suffering from asthma. Women with asthma have a lower pregnancy rate than those without the lung disorder.

Asthma is a long-term disease that has no cure. There are numerous safe and effective asthma medications for which you need a doctor’s prescription. If you are suffering from asthma…

Asthma medications play a key role in managing signs and symptoms of asthma such as shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing.

Do you know about the asthma care plan? No? Here are the reasons that highlight the importance of an asthma care plan and the ways it will help you to recognize worsening asthma.