Sitting in office, time for lunch and thinking what to eat? Nothing could be better than sushi, which is a favoured lunch time meal for many working professionals. The Japanese are known to be among the healthiest people in the world, and they sure love their sushi. Sushi is quite a healthy meal providing many health benefits.
Danon disease refers to weakening of the heart and skeletal muscles, along with intellectual disability. It affects men much earlier than women, and the severity is also much more in men. The symptoms of Danon disease usually start surfacing as early as one’s childhood or adolescent years in males. In females, the signs and symptoms mostly start showing in early adulthood. Danon disease life expectancy in men is 19 years, while females affected with this disease can live up to the age of 34 years. While the exact Danon disease prevalence is not known, it is a very rare condition, and as a consequence, not many doctors are aware of its diagnosis.
As people age the possibility of their becoming prone to various health conditions increase. Gout is one such physical problem. Reports have suggested that between 1- 2% of the Western population may get affected by gout at some point in their life.
Allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system. Generally, the immune system of people with allergies react to harmless foreign substances in the environment like pollens, molds, dust mites, foods, animal dander, and some medication. These substances are known as allergens. Reports mentions allergies as among the most common problems in the United States. One out of 10 Americans suffer from common allergies.
Your smile can be the most attractive part about you because it can seem so appealing. Good white teeth are almost like a person’s prized possession and also indicate a person’s attention to oral hygiene. When a person with such teeth flashes a smile, they seem to get the attention of everyone present, whether friends, colleagues, business clients or intimate friends. Properly arranged teeth improve the quality of someone’s smile. Bad teeth can be very unsightly and might even come in the way of relationships at work and in one’s personal life.
Cardiovascular diseases have affected millions worldwide, and have assumed proportions of a world wide epidemic. This conspicuous rise in cardiovascular diseases has also meant world wide significant increase in health spends towards remedial treamtmen imposing a notable economic burden upon society. High blood pressure (Hypertension) is an associated risk factor for cardiovascular disease since the last decade. The worldwide occurrence of hypertension is more than 1 billion whereas more than 7.1 million deaths may be accredited to hypertension annually.
Cancer in breast tissue is known as breast cancer. In the United States, Breast cancer is found to be the most common cancer diagnosed in women after skin cancer. Though the possibilities of breast cancer exist in both male and female, it is a disease found more commonly in females. In the past few years due to the development of molecular biology, a lot of research has been done in the areas of diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. But breast cancer continues to be a major problem in the female population. Here we have provided a brief introduction to breast cancer, its different types, signs and symptoms, stages, its diagnosis and treatment as well as genetic aspect of breast cancer.
Each morning, when we rise from our sleep, among the first things we do is to look at ourselves in the mirror. How many women even think about or actually ever check their breasts for possible lumps each morning? If someday you feel a lump in your breast, it will be something you will want to attend to post haste as there could be chances of its being a cancer lump, It might cause you distress which is understandable. In such a case, nothing is more important than consulting your physician so that problem can be prevented on time.
Carotenoids are natural organic pigments that are synthesized by plants and are responsible for the bright colors of various fruits and vegetables. Dozens of carotenoids are present in the foods we eat, and most of them have antioxidant activities. But, nature’s most powerful carotenoid antioxidant is Astaxanthin. It is a keto-carotenoid, which is a colorful and lipid-soluble pigment found in microalgae, salmon, yeast, trout, krill, shrimp, and the feathers of some birds. Astaxanthin has the capability to provide red color of salmon meat and cooked shellfish. Studies have shown that Professor Basil Weedon’s group proved the structure of Astaxanthin by synthesis, in the year 1975.
We need hormones to regulate the functions of the body. These are chemical messengers that are responsible for functioning of the body. Basically, there is a small adrenal gland just above each kidney, which makes hormones and are essential to lead a healthy life. Addison’s disease is when the body lacks hormones or when the glands don’t make enough of these hormones.