Skin Care from Sun

Sun Proof Your Skin

Skin care during summers:
Summer brings along sun, sandals, shorts, swim suits, and tanned skin. But along with shorter hemlines and beach hair come the threats that bring about the likelihood of skin cancer as well as the aging process. Prolonged exposure to the sun subjects you to sun damage but on the same note, keeping away from the outdoors on the whole is both unrealistic and nearly impossible. Thus, taking preventive actions in preparing and caring for it are essential for keeping your skin in top-notch form for the ultimate skin-baring summer season.

Food that fights back pain

Common sense and scientific research indicates that diet and nutrition are fundamental to our health and vitality. Dietary choices have both, the ability to harm as well as to nourish a person. Bad dietary nutrition leads to conditions such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, obesity, sciatica and as well as chronic pain syndromes. Empowering yourself with the facts and maintaining proper nutritional balance helps to strengthen muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints while shedding unnecessary weight that contributes to a large majority of sciatica and lower back pain.