Sometimes emotional or physical stress can lead to hair loss and hair thinning, which is a serious concern for most of people and something they wish to reverse. Read to know how anxiety affects your hair.
Most women use birth control pills at some point in their lives. Many uses to suppress their menstrual cycle and the accompanying secretion of female hormone from the reproductive system. As most women agree to the fact that, getting monthly bleeding during certain situations is very inconvenient. Whether it be due to special wedding function, tropical vacation, or an athletic event, many ladies wish they could skip getting their menses for a month. Using certain birth control pills, to delay monthly bleeding can make this desire a reality. Contraceptive pills are safe and an easy way to miss your monthly period, but you should always seek a doctor’s advice first before using a hormonal birth control pill.
Your skin says a lot about the choices you make, how you take care of yourself and your lifestyle. This is a list of major skin care sins you should avoid always.
Lupus is an autoimmune disease which is denoted by the production of antibodies that cause swelling or inflammation along with a wide range of symptoms. Lupus affects each individual in a different manner. Some people experience only a few meek symptoms and others have numerous, more harsh symptoms.
Skin care during summers:
Summer brings along sun, sandals, shorts, swim suits, and tanned skin. But along with shorter hemlines and beach hair come the threats that bring about the likelihood of skin cancer as well as the aging process. Prolonged exposure to the sun subjects you to sun damage but on the same note, keeping away from the outdoors on the whole is both unrealistic and nearly impossible. Thus, taking preventive actions in preparing and caring for it are essential for keeping your skin in top-notch form for the ultimate skin-baring summer season.
Sleepwalking which is also known as somnambulism involves getting up and walking around while still asleep. It is more common in children than adults. Here we have some tips to…
Thyroid problems can welcome a number of secondary plights that are hard to handle in the long run. This article will help you to know how you can treat thyroid with yoga exercises.
Sometimes moms try to deal with postpartum depression on their own, or wish that ignoring it’ll make the feelings go away. But you need some guidelines about postpartum depression treatment.
Protein intake for our regular diet is mandatory, and protein has immense importance for hair growth. Add lot of protein food in your everyday diet for overall hair health.
Learn about the potential health benefits of coffee in this article, including heart disease protection and slowing down dementia.