Search: gastro disease cause


Does Constipation Cause Headache?

Constipation might be one of your causes of headaches. Yes, you have heard it right, many people presenting with constipation also complain of headaches. The relationship between these two symptoms…

Danon – The Disease

Danon disease refers to weakening of the heart and skeletal muscles, along with intellectual disability. It affects men much earlier than women, and the severity is also much more in men. The symptoms of Danon disease usually start surfacing as early as one’s childhood or adolescent years in males. In females, the signs and symptoms mostly start showing in early adulthood. Danon disease life expectancy in men is 19 years, while females affected with this disease can live up to the age of 34 years. While the exact Danon disease prevalence is not known, it is a very rare condition, and as a consequence, not many doctors are aware of its diagnosis.


Ascariasis- Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Parasites are micro-organisms living off of other organisms or hosts for survival. The parasites include protozoa and worms which cause parasitic diseases. Intestinal worms are usually found in the gastrointestinal tract of a…


Ulcerative Colitis- An Inflammatory Bowel Disease

An ulcer is a sore on the skin or mucous membrane, which forms the top layers of the skin or tissue. It can occur in the mouth, stomach, and other parts of the body. When ulcers occur in the lining of the upper part of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, it is known as gastric ulcers and if ulcer are formed in the first part of the small intestine, then it is referred as duodenal or peptic ulcer. Moreover, ulcerative colitis is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which is a disease of the colon (largest portion of the large intestine). Constant diarrhea mixed with blood is the most common symptom of developing ulcerative colitis.


Learning about Hepatitis: Types, Causes, And Treatment

Hepatitis is a serious medical condition that involves an inflammation of the Liver due to the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissues of the organ. Liver is the largest organ of the body as it weighs about 3 pounds and it plays a lot of functions in the human body. It manufactures blood proteins that help in the clotting and oxygen transportation. It also takes care of the functioning of the immune system. Liver manufactures bile which is needed for storing sugar in glycogen form and digesting food in the body. There are more than 100 types of diseases affecting men, children and women worldwide. Cirrhosis is the 12th leading cause of death, according to National Institute of Health.