get rid of smoking

To Lead a Smoke Free Life- Quit Smoking

Tobacco is a primary health concern for most countries nowadays. Tobacco had already been used in America for the past 1000 years. Many Native American tribes have traditionally grown and used tobacco as an entheogen. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco is the one of the greatest individual causes of preventable death globally. It has been stated in a study conducted by WHO where more than 100 million deaths happened over the course of the 20th century. 

Tobacco is consumed in various parts of the globe and also in a number of methods such as chewing tobacco, hookahs and cigarettes. Any form of consumption of tobacco contains health risks that affect the heart, liver and lungs. 

fight arthritis

Arthritis- Types, Symptoms and Treatment

Arthritis is a complex family of joint disorders that involves inflammation of one or more joints. It consists over 100 different diseases that destroy joints, bones, muscles and other connective tissues by hampering physical movement. Basically, arthritis is regarded as the disease of the elder ones, but children can also be affected by the same. An estimated, 70% individuals above the age of 65 in North America are affected by arthritis. This disease is common among women as compared to men and affects all races, groups and cultures.

benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera- Wand of the Heaven

People do various things to upgrade their skin quality by applying multiple face packs and other creams. But no product is as effective as “Aloe Vera”, which is a wonder plant. Aloe Vera is a stemless or very short stemmed plant, that belongs to the succulent plant species, found in the regions of northern Africa. Aloe Vera is regarded as one of the most famous plants in the world, and has been used from ancient times due to its medicinal properties. It has been mentioned in the Bible that Aloe Vera was Cleopatra’s beauty secret. This is quite an incredible medicinal plant that’s full of nutritional benefits, healthy for skin and hair.

Treatment of postpartum depression

Postpartum Depression and the Baby Blues

Becoming a mother is an out of the world feeling and ladies prepare themselves for it for a long time. Women plan for it and always feel joyful, when she is expecting this wonderful gift from god. But, after giving birth, it has been studied that women sometimes lose their control on themselves and feel depressed, sad and irritated. This leads to postpartum depression and sometimes baby blues too, which is a type of clinical depression in which powerful emotions, from excitement and joy to fear and anxiety happens frequently.

Ectopic Pregnancy

Are You Suffering From Ectopic Pregnancy: Signs and Symptoms

A woman is a beautiful creation of God and more importantly has the sole potential to complete a man’s family. Growing another human inside a womb is a gift from God. But when a woman cannot give birth to a child, that is the most depressing situation for her. Infertility is when a woman is unable to reproduce. The study says, about 10-15% of Americans are affected by infertility every year. Not women, men too can be infertile. In some cases, both the genders fail to reproduce. Top causes like hormonal changes, impairment to the Fallopian tubes, cervical or uterine problems contributes to female infertility. Women wish to give birth, but she faces the unintentional loss of fetus before maturity. Ectopic pregnancy is another type of pregnancy most women face.


What is Narcolepsy: Everything you need to know

The severe neurological disorder, Narcolepsy, disrupts the life of the person suffering from it. The person suffering from this disease feels exhausted and suddenly sleepy during the day. A person may be at work, at the grocery, or even at home, the sleep attack may occur at any time in the day.

Battling Bulimia: Symptoms and Treatment

Eating-disorders-What-is-bulimiaPeople tend to eat when overcome with feelings of stress, boredom, or even loneliness. But they have the ability to stop. However, people suffering from Bulimia don’t have a choice. Overeating is a compulsion in this disorder. Instead of eating proper meals after overeating, the patients feel guilty and punish themselves. They do this by purging, fasting, exercising, or even dieting to get rid of the extra calories they gained. The continuous cycle of binging and purging effects the patient’s emotion and physical health. You must note that this cycle can break. Patients should start undergoing treatment to develop a healthy appetite and to overcome feelings of guilt, anxiety and shame.

Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day – ReliableRxPharmacy

Happy Father’s Day

Father is synonymous with strength, protection, and resilience. Daddies are personal shoppers for mommys, story tellers for their little girls, and superheroes for their sons. The bond between a father and his kids is very special. They say that a man truly becomes a father when he holds his baby. He does everything in his power to give the best life to his kids and their mother. He works hard and the sweat on brow is a testimony for that. He sacrifices his wishes in order to give his family the best. He is always there when kids needs him, be it grave problems of life, monsters under the beds, or spiders in the attic.




Did you know that every year, viral hepatitis results in 1.5 million deaths all over the world?
That’s nearly as many deaths as caused by HIV/AIDS. A scary statistic, isn’t it? That’s because viral hepatitis is neglected for the most part. You will be shocked to learn that it is the 8th biggest killer in the world.28th July is celebrated as the World Hepatitis Day. The World Health Organization had announced this in 2010. There are just four official world disease-specific health days, World Hepatitis Day being one of them. This day is used to spread the word about viral hepatitis, raise awareness about the deadly disease, educate people about diagnosis and treatment facilities as well as preventive measures. Millions of people participate in this awareness-raising program on 28th July every year from all parts of the world.

Hernia Awareness Month: Know Everything About Hernia

Hernia | ReliableRxJune being the Hernia Awareness Month, this blog is meant to educate you on hernias, their effects, causes, and more. You must have heard about them and we’re sure you would have several questions. So, what are hernias? Do hernias happen only in men? Let us throw light on this topic and put an end to all doubts.