
Ulcerative Colitis- An Inflammatory Bowel Disease

An ulcer is a sore on the skin or mucous membrane, which forms the top layers of the skin or tissue. It can occur in the mouth, stomach, and other parts of the body. When ulcers occur in the lining of the upper part of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, it is known as gastric ulcers and if ulcer are formed in the first part of the small intestine, then it is referred as duodenal or peptic ulcer. Moreover, ulcerative colitis is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which is a disease of the colon (largest portion of the large intestine). Constant diarrhea mixed with blood is the most common symptom of developing ulcerative colitis.

Vegan Way

Going the Vegan Way: A Healthy Lifestyle Choice

A non-vegetarian diet provides all essential nutrients to the body. More than 60% of Americans are overweight or obese. The main cause of obesity is due to the consumption of junk food or due to medical conditions. By choosing a healthy diet, you stay protected from catching dangerous diseases like cancer, diabetes or heart diseases. Proper exercise and a low-carb diet is the way to reduce weight and stay healthy.


Schizophrenia- Get informed on the Symptoms and Treatments

A serious mental abnormal condition or derangement, which involves loss of contact with reality is regarded as psychosis. Psychosis is very broad term and can mean normal aberrant experiences that include complex and catatonic expressions of schizoaffective disorder, borderline personality disorder, depression, anxiety disorder, and schizophrenia. Basically, psychosis is a descriptive term for hallucinations and delusions, which can result in violence.

Identify breast cancer

12 Risk Factors For Breast Cancer You Should Know.

The recent study has revealed that in India one out of twenty eight women develop breast cancer in their life time. It is the most common cancer of all. It has ceased to be a rare condition. Today, women are more open and willing to know and understand their chances of getting breast cancer. They are keen to know and consider the factors which put them at high risk. Some women are even undertaking preventive measures against breast cancer. One such case is Angelina Jolie who underwent double mastectomy to prevent breast cancer. 

Beauty Benefits Of Jojoba Oil

Six Amazing Beauty Benefits Of Jojoba Oil

Jojoba shrubs which grow in abundance in the deserts of United States of America and Mexico, are the main source of Jojoba seeds. The odourless, golden-coloured liquid wax that is yielded from these seeds is called Jojoba oil. As it does not any allergic reactions for humans, it is highly beneficial for the skin and hair. For centuries Native Americans have used this miracle oil to treat wounds. It is used in a variety of beauty products as it has a host of benefits. With easy access to buy beauty products online made from jojoba oils and mailers for discounted beauty products made from jojoba oil there is an ever increasing demand for jojoba oil products.


Learning about Hepatitis: Types, Causes, And Treatment

Hepatitis is a serious medical condition that involves an inflammation of the Liver due to the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissues of the organ. Liver is the largest organ of the body as it weighs about 3 pounds and it plays a lot of functions in the human body. It manufactures blood proteins that help in the clotting and oxygen transportation. It also takes care of the functioning of the immune system. Liver manufactures bile which is needed for storing sugar in glycogen form and digesting food in the body. There are more than 100 types of diseases affecting men, children and women worldwide. Cirrhosis is the 12th leading cause of death, according to National Institute of Health.

Tackle Heart Diseases

How to Tackle Heart Diseases- The Warning Signs and Healthy Diet Tips

Today, the world is suffering from various problems and diseases but cardiovascular problems top the list. Cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and artery blocks are life threatening and must be prevented at all costs. Cardiovascular diseases have alone claimed 30% of global deaths in the year 2008. It has been stated in an American study that the percentage of deaths caused by cardiovascular diseases are higher in low and middle-income countries. Basically, these diseases include a number of conditions affecting the structures or functions of the heart. Some of them are briefly described in this blog.

vegetables and fruits

10 Secret Ways to cut back on Sugar

If you have diabetes, or at a high risk of getting the disease, all form of added sugar needs to be slashed from the diet. As impossible a task as it may sound at first, it is possible through self-control and resolve, and vital to maintaining a healthy blood sugar level for controlling diabetes. Cutting back on sugar is a healthy way of dealing with diabetes, along with diabetes medicines. Here’s how to find even the hidden sugar in your diet, and how to effectively and strategically cut back on it.

Benefits of diet pills

Weight Loss Pills-An Easier Way to Shed Some Extra Pounds

In today’s time, one requires a lot of efforts to gain something in life. But no extra efforts and pull is needed to gain a few pounds. Eating unhealthy food or health problems might lead to weight gain. One in every three American teen is either obese or overweight. It is a well known fact that to gain weight is much easier than reducing. According to CDC report, more than one-third of American adults i.e 34.9% are obese. Weight loss can be done by following a healthy diet or doing regular exercise. There are some common myths in people about weight loss.


Healthy Teeth Leads to a Healthy Life!

A smile is something which is so empowering that it has the power to provide confidence and bring happiness to another person’s life. Teeth are the reasons behind every million dollar smile. However, bad teeth can be instant turnover. An estimated 2.43 billion people (36% of the population) are suffering from dental problems and more than 620 million babies are also affected by this problem. It has been stated in a study in the United States that dental problems are the most common chronic childhood diseases.