Your body is your closest ally and going to stay with you the entire life, literally. So, you need to take the best care of it. And the key mantras…

Your body is your closest ally and going to stay with you the entire life, literally. So, you need to take the best care of it. And the key mantras…
People adopt many ways to lose weight, some prefer to do dieting, and some follow a strict workout regimen. However, both require strict supervision and follow up, which is difficult…
No doubt, burning more calories than you consume is the key to lose weight, but reducing the amount you drink can help you lower your calorie intake. And it does…
What do you think if both men and women take part in the weight loss competition and follow all tips intended to burn body fats, who will be the winner?…
When we talk about milk, it doesn’t mean that we are just talking about milk from a cow or a goat. Everything from nuts to bean and grains are now being milked. Are you looking to eliminate dairy from your diet to maintain health? If yes, then there is good news, most grocery stores carry many varieties of non-dairy milk alternatives, including almond milk, hemp milk, rice milk, soy milk, etc.
Making efforts to lose weight on one hand and consuming carbohydrate on the other, your efforts will go in vain. It is proved that the reduction in carbs we eat is one of the best options to lose weight. The intake of weight loss supplements is not enough if you fail to control on carbohydrate. However, it is not that you have to stay away from all food products. There are some food products supplying carbs in a controlled way, making a perfect diet for weight loss.
Nowadays, finding the best suitable time for the workout is as much about personal preference as it is physiology itself. Some people swear to wake up early in the morning for jogging so that they get them ready for the day; some cannot figure out a time to exercise before noon and some prefer to have a walk around the neighborhood after the dinner.
Fitness habit plays a vital role in keeping your body fit and healthy. It is considered as the safest natural way to burn extra calories and shed the excess of fats. But, do you sometimes know such fitness habits do more harm than good to your body. The obsession with weight loss regime and slim body figure has also become a major concern today.
A number of articles, blogs and videos are published almost every day over on internet for the weight loses tips. Some people try hard to follow these tips to lose excess weight while most of us find it difficult due to N number of reasons and excuses.
Carrying the extra pounds on your body is always embarrassing, isn’t it? And more than that, obesity affects your entire lifestyle. The way people are becoming the victim of obesity, no surprise if every other person next to you would occupy extra space and extra resource while leaving you merely a spectator in the coming years. Experts have already warned us by predicting that almost one-fifth of the world population will be obese by 2025. This is really going to be a horrible situation for all of us. It’s a time to wake up now.