Testosterone is a crucial hormone produced in men. There are several symptoms of low testosterone in men if the testosterone levels fall below the normal levels (300-1000 ng/dl). Here, we will elaborate the signs and symptoms.

Testosterone is a crucial hormone produced in men. There are several symptoms of low testosterone in men if the testosterone levels fall below the normal levels (300-1000 ng/dl). Here, we will elaborate the signs and symptoms.
The inability to achieve or sustain an erection for sexual intercourse is termed as erectile dysfunction or ED. Reduced blood flow to the penis, certain medications, chronic illnesses, and excessive consumption of alcohol are some of the causes of ED.
An unusual discharge from the penis, any kind of vaginal bleeding, swollen lymph nodes, and tiny sores on the genitals are some of the common symptoms of STD or sexually transmitted diseases. In this blog, you will find different types of STD, their symptoms and prevention methods.
Most people are unaware about Candida overgrowth and the yeast infection it can cause in men and women. Candida is a fungus, a form of yeast, which lives in small amounts in the mouth and intestines. The basic job of this fungus is to help in the digestion and nutrient absorption process.
Being blessed with a healthy baby is the most valued part of our lives. No one can imagine a life without a child. This blessing is not relished by everyone, there are some unlucky people who confront the problem of infertility. Being childless is something really hard to endure as their presence truly fulfills your life. Infertility is a hard situation which can make your life full of stress, anxiety, depression and negative thoughts. Around 6.3 million US people are facing this undesired condition. Infertility is a failure of conception after trying for more than a year. Primarily, problems in women were considered for the exclusive reason of infertility. This fact has been denied by countless studies that male factors can also be the reason of infertility. The statistical studies have deduced that both the genders are equally responsible for the failure of conception. A problem in any of them can result in infertility.
Preventing pregnancy, while ensuring the fire in your bedroom doesn’t fizzle out is a challenge faced by couples across the globe. Sometimes even after undertaking utmost precautions, nature does tend to spring up an unpleasant surprise.
AIDS is short for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is caused by HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It destroys the body’s immune system and makes one vulnerable to infections. To break down Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, ‘acquired’ implies that you catch the infection, that is, HIV; ‘immune deficiency’ stands for the breaking down of the body’s immune system and the resulting inability to fight diseases; ‘syndrome’ stands for all the diseases that result due to HIV.