Lifestyle and Health

HIV - ReliableRxPharmacy Health Blog

HIV AIDS: All You Wanted To Know

HIV - ReliableRxPharmacy Health BlogAIDS is short for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is caused by HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It destroys the body’s immune system and makes one vulnerable to infections. To break down Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, ‘acquired’ implies that you catch the infection, that is, HIV; ‘immune deficiency’ stands for the breaking down of the body’s immune system and the resulting inability to fight diseases; ‘syndrome’ stands for all the diseases that result due to HIV.

Health and Hygiene: Stinky Feet Be Gone!

health and hygiene stinky feet be goneDon’t you hate it when you are in this room full of people, and there is an important presentation going on, and all of a sudden people start noticing a foul smell coming from somewhere and people start complaining about it! Supposedly it’s you, and your feet stink, and up until now you didn’t realize people noticed. Would you want people to know these stinky feet are yours? Forget about finding out, you shouldn’t be in such a position in the first place. We often tend to neglect our feet and shoe care and hence land in such a soup. We suffocate our feet by wearing socks, stuffy sandals and closed shoes for long hours leading them to sweat and stink bad. Our feet take the beating every time. Avoid any such major embarrassment to you and your self esteem in just a few simple steps improving the health of your feet:

Spring: A Season of Health

With spring break around the corner, you just want to celebrate by breaking free. You want to break free from your monotony at school and college and try something you’ve never tried before. Travelling is on the top of the agenda for many. While that may be a great plan, it has to be done carefully. For those staying home, you want to ensure that you religiously maintain a healthy lifestyle and do not danger your or other people’s lives by indulging in dangerous activities.

alcohol effects ,long term effects of alcohol

Alcoholism and Alcohol Poisoning: It could happen to you

Health conscious people reach for beer, not wine

 We all know that excessive drinking is not good for one’s health. That said, there are times when we do not understand our drinking limits and go on a binge. However, such regular drinking bouts can very easily go wrong. Alcohol poisoning is a serious issue, but one that not many people understand. Many tragedies can be prevented by simply being careful with our drinks, and seeking medical help on time. But we need to ask ourselves the question, how much is really too much, and what do you do when someone is intoxicated beyond normal limits? Is there any medication for alcoholism and when do you take them? Read on to know the answers to these questions.

Burn Calories

8 Common habits that make you consume more calories

Burn Calories

There are good habits, there are bad habits and then there are the common habits. Everyone has them and everyone acts upon them. Unknowingly you pile on extra calories every day and put on weight faster than you recognize. Here’s a list of common habits which has been slowly adding more calories to your diet, which you can avoid by simply mending what you are doing wrong.