Adrenal cancer is categorized under the class of medications known as neuroendocrine tumors. It occurs when cells in your adrenal glands change and grow out of control. Adrenal carcinoma can…

Adrenal cancer is categorized under the class of medications known as neuroendocrine tumors. It occurs when cells in your adrenal glands change and grow out of control. Adrenal carcinoma can…
Ampullary cancers are rare, affecting only 0.2% of gastrointestinal cancers and around 7% of all periampullary cancers. It is a cancer that forms in the ampulla of Vater. The ampulla…
Lung cancer begins in the lungs. Your lungs are spongy-like organs in your chest that takes oxygen inside when you inhale and release carbon dioxide (CO2) when you exhale. Lung…
Identifying the sentinel lymph node is important in making a treatment plan for many types ofcancer. The Sentinel lymph node is one of the first lymph nodes to receive drainage…
There is no doubt about the fact that breast cancer is an extremely dangerous disease. Most women believe that only specialized doctors can diagnose breast cancer. When you have sudden…
Most people need some time to adjust with the fact they have one of the life-threatening disease cancer. It takes time for them to think about what is important for…
In today’s world where people are so busy in their lifestyle that they need to do family planning. So, birth control is very necessary for today’s time. There are various methods of birth control. Some of them involve drugs and there are various physical methods also to control births. One of the best and most famous methods is Hormonal methods. Hormonal methods include birth control pills, skin patches, and vaginal rings. They contain estrogen and progestin.
Cancer treatments are of different types and they mostly depend on the type of cancer you have and on which stage your cancer has reached. Before moving to the types of cancer treatments, here is a brief on cancer.
Doing monthly breast self-examination should be a responsibility of every woman as it is the best way to detect breast cancer in its early stages. Breast lumps can be found during the self-examination; most breast lumps are non-cancerous and are not dangerous.
Many people survive cancer every year. When the problem is diagnosed at an early stage, treatment is more likely to be successful. Therefore, detecting cancer early can make a big difference. Many men who have been diagnosed with this life threatening disease never imagined they could even acquire it.