Taking a birth control pill is a good choice to delay pregnancy, but at times, it can turn into a bit risky decision for many women who take it. Several…

Taking a birth control pill is a good choice to delay pregnancy, but at times, it can turn into a bit risky decision for many women who take it. Several…
Birth control pills, also called oral contraceptives, are considered effective in preventing pregnancy and treating other health issues. These BC pills are the most extensively studied treatment ever prescribed. Most…
Contraceptive use is a significant risk factor for acquiring urinary tract infection, with the diaphragm being more exposed. If you are worried about developing a UTI, talk to your doctor…
Misperceptions about birth control methods have long been cited as an important influence on a couple’s decisions to adopt and continue family planning methods. Unfounded fears about birth control devices-for…
If you are taking birth control pills and discover you have conceived, you may wonder whether your birth control pill cause harm to your baby or if there is a…
Birth control pills are reliable when it comes to controlling unwanted pregnancy. They are highly effective contraceptive when taken appropriately. But to reap that benefit, you may also have to deal with depression, some extra pounds, and other not very pleasant side effects. These come as just mild irritations for some women while for others, they are annoying enough to make them switch or to discontinue using the birth control pill.
Unless you are planning to conceive, it is best to use some form of birth control to have a pleasurable and satisfying sexual relationship. About 99% of women employed birth control method at some point in their lives.
Birth control pills also called as oral contraceptive pills are the most popular and effective choice when it comes to preventing pregnancy. The pill is safe, simple, convenient, and 99% effective, which is why it’s so popular.
If you’re dealing with acne and nothing is really improving your condition, then try your luck with birth control pills. Acne is a problem that is faced by millions of…
Sometimes moms try to deal with postpartum depression on their own, or wish that ignoring it’ll make the feelings go away. But you need some guidelines about postpartum depression treatment.