Experts have been saying for long that whatever you eat has an effect on your heart. Research now suggests that the same holds true for your brain as well. Food plays an important role to play in brain health. By modifying our everyday diet, we can go a long way towards preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

Can Diet Prevent Alzheimer’s disease?Alzheimer’s disease typically begins with what seems to be normal forgetfulness, but it causes much damage over time wreaking havoc with one’s comprehension, speech, and coordination leading to restlessness and mood swings. Studies reveal that one out of three people over 80 years of age suffer from it. However, there is hope at hand. The right diet along with some lifestyle changes can work effectively to help keep Alzheimer’s symptoms at bay.

Here are some diet tips.

Vitamin C and E
Several studies have found that including plenty of foods that are rich in Vitamin C such as currants, red peppers, strawberries, and broccoli, and Vitamin E such as almonds and olive oil can help reduce chances of developing the disease.

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Some flavonoid-rich food includes apples, blueberries, cranberries, and grapefruit. Vegetables that boast flavonoid include Brussels sprouts, asparagus, cabbage, peas, garlic, kohlrabi, kale, lima beans, kidney onions, and spinach. These are excellent to prevent the onset of the disease. Research has shown that people who drank these vegetable and fruit juices at least three to four times a week can avoid Alzheimer’s symptoms.

Curry powder
Research reveals that people who consume curried food have improved brain performance. One of the most important ingredients in curry powder is turmeric which contains Curcumin. This substance is highly beneficial to prevent Alzheimer’s. Most of the spices present in the curry powder help to break up the brain plaque formation and decrease inflammation of the brain, which can lead to memory problems.

Experts opine that the deficiency of some B vitamins, especially, can slow down cognitive abilities. Foods such as dried beans and dark leafy vegetables contain folate, which is good to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. It works wonders to improve cognition and reduce depression. Also, cruciferous vegetables such as Cauliflower, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Kale and Bok Choy contain carotenoid and folates that reduce homo-cysteine, which is an amino acid related to cognitive impairment.Can Diet Prevent Alzheimer’s disease?

Cherries and berries
The fruits contain Anthocyanin that offers protection to the brain from damage by free radicals. These also contain antioxidants, vitamin C and E, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Omega 3s
Including omega 3 in your daily diet reduces your risk of developing the disease significantly. The fatty acids enable the brain to stay in good condition. Some sources of fatty acids include flax seeds, fish, olive oil, and omega 3 supplements.

Olive oil
Some studies say that olive oil is better than the other cooking oils in the market. People who used this oil seem to be more protected from cognitive decline. It is also an essential component of a heart-healthy diet, and good cardiovascular health is important for brain health. It is easy to add olive oil to diet. You can sauté your vegetables in it or use in salad dressings.

Most of the nuts such as peanuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, and pecans contain omega-3s and omega-6s, folate, vitamin E, magnesium and vitamin B6, which are good to keep the brain working well. Nuts comprise antioxidants, healthy fats and fiber that are good for brain health. Experts recommend eating nuts at least four to five times a week.

Also Read:Healthy diet foods work well with lifestyle changes

They contain plenty of protein and fiber that are low in fat and calories. They are good to keep the mind sharp. Experts recommend eating beans at least three times a week to prevent Alzheimer’s symptoms.

Apart from consuming healthy foods, experts also suggest cutting down on unhealthy brain foods such as cheese, fast food, sweets, pastries, margarine, butter, and red meats. The type of foods and fats you consume can have a real impact on brain health. Sugar and trans fats are not very good for the brain.

If you have a family history of Alzheimer’s disease or are worried about it, the first thing you should do is modify your diet. Apart from following dietary changes, maintaining a daily regimen of exercises, getting adequate sleep, managing stress well and maintain a positive outlook towards life can help keep Alzheimer’s at bay. Proper Alzheimer’s treatment at the right time can go a long way in helping one stay fit and active.

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