Cabgolin 0.5 mg is a prescription medicine for stopping the production of breast milk (lactation) soon after childbirth, stillbirth, abortion, or miscarriage. It can also be given if you don’t want to continue to breastfeed your baby once you have started. Cabgolin tab can also be prescribed to treat other conditions caused by hormone disbalance, which contribute to high levels of prolactin being produced. This includes lack of menstruation, infrequent and very light menstruation, periods in which ovulation does not happen, and milk secretion from your breast without breastfeeding. Also, in conditions where high levels of prolactin occur due to unknown causes like idiopathic hyperprolactinemia or are caused by tumors of the pituitary gland in both males and females.

Cabgolin 0.5 contains the active ingredient Cabergoline, which stimulates the receptors responsible for inhibiting the secretion of hormones known as prolactin, thus reducing the levels of prolactin in the body. Prolactin hormone stimulates the breast to produce milk. Excessive amounts of prolactin may cause menstrual changes in women, impotence in men, and breast changes in both sexes. Cabgolin tablets should only be given to adults. It should not be given to children under the age of 16 years.


Always take the dosage exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider. If you are unsure about Cabgolin 0.5 mg tablet uses, check with your healthcare specialist. It is recommended that you take Cabgolin 0.5 dosage with or after food to help reduce feelings of nausea or vomiting.

    • Two 0.5 mg tablets are recommended on the first day of delivery to prevent lactation.
    • Patients should take one-half of a Cabgolin 0.5 tablet every twelve hours for two days to prevent lactation once they breastfeed.
    • To reduce prolactin levels in other conditions, you will be advised to take one 0.5 mg tablet spread out over a weak period. The maximum dose should not increase to 3 mg per day.

When you first begin taking the pill, it is suggested you slowly change position when trying to sit, stand, or lie down; this is because the medication may cause a significant drop in blood pressure that could make you dizzy when you change your position. Alcohol consumption should also be avoided, as other medications that cause drowsiness could increase the risk of dizziness.

While receiving Cabgolin 0.5, your healthcare provider may require checking your blood pressure, particularly in the initial days of treatment. You shouldn’t stop treatment until your healthcare specialist suggests.


Do not take Cabgolin 0.5 mg if allergic to Cabergoline, other medications, or any ingredients. Avoid taking Cabergoline if you have a severe liver disorder, high blood pressure in pregnancy associated with swelling and protein in the urine, or have a history of mental illness associated with childbirth. You may be advised to stop Cabergoline longer and have stiff and inflamed heart valves. Cabgolin use is prohibited if fibrotic reactions affect your abdomen, lungs, or heart. Patients should be instructed to notify their healthcare provider if they find out pregnant or intend to become pregnant during the treatment. Pregnancy should be done if you suspect pregnancy, and continuation of treatment should be discussed with your healthcare professional.

Warnings and precautions

Before beginning treatment with Cabergoline 0.5 mg, your healthcare specialist will perform some tests to do some tests to determine any underlying lung, kidney, or heart disease. While taking Cabgolin to manage high prolactin levels naturally, report anything unusual to your healthcare provider, such as breathing difficulties, swelling of your hands and feet, or anything else that makes you feel unwell.

Cabgolin should not be given to children under the age of 16 years. The safety and effectiveness of this medication in children less than 16 years of age have not been established.

cabgolin 0.5 mg

In general, Cabgolin dosage selection should be done cautiously, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range, reflecting the greater frequency of reduced kidney, liver, or cardiac function and concomitant disease or other drug treatment.

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Side effects

Like every medicine, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. Consult your doctor if any symptoms appear after using this medicine. The medicine can cause psychiatric issues, which can lead to abnormal or usual thoughts. It can also cause heart-related disorders. The medicine can also cause widespread itchy rash, difficulty breathing with or without wheezing, feeling faint, and unexplained swelling of the body or tongue. Cabgolin 0.5 tablet uses can also cause aggression, altered or increased sexual interest, and behavior of significant concern to you or others. It also causes binge eating in some patients.

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