Author page: Stella Green

Healthiest People Do Also Make Health Mistakes

Healthiest People Do Also Make Health Mistakes

Do you know what food products make you healthy?

What we are asked in general is, we workout at the gym or do some exercise and then go for a healthy eating to make a perfect body shape, right! However, it’s not for all and when we say healthy eating, even smart and healthy people could make health mistakes knowingly or unknowingly in this regard.

Some Reasons why you should see a Dermatologist?

Skin sensitivity is well-known to everyone. The development of blemishes and wrinkles on the skin is very usual. But we don’t visit a dermatologist every time when we experience such a problem. However, ignoring skin problem is not a good habit rather you should know when to see a dermatologist to get proper skin care treatment so that the skin problem remains under control.

Can Antibiotics Treat Cold?

Cold is a respiratory disorder and is caused by various types of viruses. The common cold is transmitted through many ways and can affect you if you come in contact with the infected person. Cold or common cold is mostly caused by a virus named Rhinovirus. The common symptoms of the cold are a cough, sore throat, sneezing, and a runny nose. The common cold is a self-limited disease that gets cured in a few days.

Here’s What You Should Know to Avoid Dementia

Dementia is one of the biggest concerns in society for growing old age people.  While you may have been told that all you can do is hope for the best and wait for a pharmaceutical cure, the truth is much more encouraging.  You can reduce your Alzheimer’s risk and other dementias with a combination of easy and simple but effective lifestyle changes. Lead a brain-healthy lifestyle, so that you can prevent the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and slow down or even reverse the deterioration process.