Author page: Stella Green

Stop Eating White Rice if You’re Pregnant

Stop Eating White Rice if You’re Pregnant

When you get pregnant, some regular foods that don’t cause any harm as usual, but they could cause some harm to your baby. White rice is one of those staple foods that can become a cause of obesity to the unborn baby. Despite having some health benefits, white rice consumption during pregnancy can become an issue and pose a health problem to the baby. This food product is not among the weight loss supplements rather it promotes obesity and diabetes. It’s not that during pregnancy you prefer a diet for weight loss but take food rich in high nutritional values.

Don't Know Why Your Diet Isn't Working

Don’t Know Why Your Diet Isn’t Working

If you are on a weight loss diet, or if you have spent too much of your life dieting, then there is no doubt that you have worked very hard to achieve your goals. But if your weekly checks in reveal that you are unable to lose. This does not mean there is anything with your will power. There is a probability that you are making eating mistakes that is affecting your diet plan. Here are some reasons your diet isn’t working. Get to know the facts and get back on track.

Ultimate Guide to Right Sleeping Position to avoid Health Problems

Ultimate Guide to Right Sleeping Position to Avoid Health Problems

Eating well is not enough unless you sleep well. Yes, you are reading well, the uncomfortable sleeping positions matter a lot to your health and you should learn some sleep remedies, as they are essential to take care of your body as a whole. In some health conditions, natural sleep aids are supportive to the medication.