Author page: moiz

The Body Healing Power of Sleep

The Body Healing Power of Sleep

Millions of Americans of all ages are affected by insomnia and sleep problems and many of them are living with severe chronic sleep deprivation. The round-the-clock hardship and activity-driven society have stolen the peace of life and made many individuals a victim of sleeplessness. There is an urgent need for natural sleep remedies that help them live a healthy lifestyle.

Find Your Best Time to Workout

Find Your Best Time to Workout

Nowadays, finding the best suitable time for the workout is as much about personal preference as it is physiology itself. Some people swear to wake up early in the morning for jogging so that they get them ready for the day; some cannot figure out a time to exercise before noon and some prefer to have a walk around the neighborhood after the dinner.

Do Hair Supplements Actually Work?

Hair loss or hair fall is a natural phenomenon that all of us experience almost every day. We lose some 50-100 hair strands per day and we are not much concerned for that. The cycle of birth, maturity, destruction, and fall of hair follicles continues the lifetime. But, the problem arises when this cycle is disrupted and we don’t gain the new follicles, inviting a hair pattern over a period. Although baldness is also a natural incident, the question is whether we can avert or treat this hair problem with some hair supplements that are available in the market.