Sadness is a normal reaction to difficult times in life, and we all experience it at some point in our lives. But depression problem is something a majority of people takes lightly. Depression often interferes with daily life and normal functioning and pain for both the person with depression and as well as those who care for him/her. Experts often call this condition as clinical depression.
Liver function test is used to determine the cause a liver problem like jaundice. The clinical tests are also used to identify liver damage, helps to screen people exposed to a hepatitis virus, and to monitor changes in decreased liver function.
A healthy sexual function is an important contributor to women’s quality of life. Sexual dysfunction in women is highly prevalent and often a distressing problem that has a negative impact on a woman’s overall life and medical compliance. Female sexual dysfunction includes low sexual desire, trouble becoming aroused, difficulty having an orgasm, and discomfort or pain during sex.
Are you a heavy drinker and tagged to be an alcoholic? Then you are putting your sex life at a high risk. Experts have found that the effects of alcohol suppress your sexual desire over a period. You may feel excited after booze but it’s not healthy in the long term and you could become a victim of erectile dysfunction. Those who are looking for the erectile dysfunction medication have to deal with alcoholism first.
Pigmentation, acne, pimple and skin damage are quite natural in the people in their 20s and 30s or even after that. Frequent touching and pressing those marks can further aggravate…
A recent study revealed that smoking marijuana is associated with high risk of death due to high blood pressure and the risk is about triple the amount of people who have never smoked it.
Diet can have a great impact on an individual’s mental health, study suggests. Healthy eating practices can influence your mental health in a way that it can improve or decrease your brain function. Nutrition is highly linked to brain, mood, and behaviors.

Cancer treatments are of different types and they mostly depend on the type of cancer you have and on which stage your cancer has reached. Before moving to the types of cancer treatments, here is a brief on cancer.

There are some migraine medicines which you might take to manage your health condition can either lead to or aggravate a headache. You need to work together with your healthcare provider to determine any of the pharmaceutical agents are triggering your headache.

Excited to live a happy and healthy sex life! But you remain worried for herpes on your private parts. The presence of genital herpes and HIV risk mustn’t be undermined or ignored in any situation. The impact of this condition is more severe as any other sexually transmitted infection and it spreads through a simple equation; if one partner is infected with the virus, the chances are another one would also be infected. But it’s not an incurable condition and you can treat it completely and enjoy your sex life again.