Summer is knocking at your door and you are hiding from it. Now the warmth of the sun is turning into scorching heat, hot coffee seems to be not tasty and it is replaced with cold coffee or cool drinks, and woollen gets packed and cotton fabric again becomes your friend during summer. Summer is when we face many skin care issues such as skin infections, rashes, dullness, etc. Therefore, we have to be extra cautious to take care of it.
Bad news for people out there who are concerned about their cholesterol levels is that a diet high in sugar makes your liver synthesize more bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. They also raise triglyceride levels, increasing the risk of heart diseases.
Food is a powerful force for the brain and overall health of the body. To help your body healthy and strong, certain food help your brain function better and even protect against mental health complications.
Are flu symptoms interfering with your daily activities? Is it taking a long time to recover? You have been washing your hands, but despite your best efforts, you have been defeated by the flu. You may not feel like eating anything, but certain foods can help you during your difficult days and will take you to recovery.
A research study has revealed that stressful life events are strongly associated with the onset of chronic depression in children. Childhood abuse can have devastating lifelong effects. Such children are less likely to respond to psychological and drug-based treatments for the condition.
The secret to healthy eating and a creating a healthy body is to have easy access to the right types of foods in your kitchen. Eating a healthy diet is an essential growth so that every part of the body gets what it requires to function properly. Eating a balanced diet means you are eating the right food items in the proper amounts. Having a proper diet not only boosts your health but also helps you to maintain the appropriate weight.
Hair fall is natural. On an average, an individual loses about 50 to 100 strands of hair every day. But if usual shedding increases or you have noticeably thinning hair, it is the right time to find out the reason and seek treatment.
Androgenic alopecia is pattern baldness. It can occur in both men and women. In today’s time of pollution and unhealthy lifestyle, this is very common in people. Hair loss begins with well define pattern, beginning above both temples. With passing time, the hairline recedes to form a characteristic “M” shape. Hair starts getting thin at the crown (near the top of the head) and often progressing to partial or complete baldness. Almost all patients with androgenic alopecia have an onset prior to age 40 years, although many of the patients (both male and female) show evidence of the disorder by age 30 years.
A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine finds that the average time that couples take to finish intercourse ranges from 3 to 13 minutes. Although both men and women want to make longer in bed, while a weak sexual drive in men leaves them shattered. Regardless, how much time men take in bed, they can certainly endure it through a natural way and that is diet. Experts recommend several healthy foods for male sexuality and they prove to be a game changer in bed.
Safer sex means that protecting yourself and your partners from sexually transmitted infections. Safer sex helps you in staying healthy and can even make your sex life better.