Each time you blink, you are washing the eyes with the tears that are produced by the lacrimal glands, which are situated on the upper eyelids. Tears are present in the eyes to keep it lubricated. It also helps to remove any foreign particle that may have entered the eyes.

However, when there is excessive tears or the tear drainage is affected, it results in watery eyes. Medically, this condition is referred to as Epiphora, which means increased tearing. The good news is that the watery eyes causes can be treated easily, and the condition can be set right in a short period.

While the problem can affect anyone, watery eyes are more common in small babies and in men who are over 60 years of age. The condition can lead to sore eyelids, distorted vision, and sticky eyes. While watery eyes is not a risky or dangerous problem, it can be irritating.

Watery Eyes Causes:

There are two major causes for watery eyes – bad tear drainage and excess tear production.

Excessive tears – This is caused by inflammation or irritation of the eye surface. This can be due to a range of reasons, including allergies, or eyelid and eyelash issues. Dry eye problem can also lead to watery eyes.

Bad poor drainage – The condition also happens when the tear drainage channels do not drain enough tears. This can be due to a blocked duct or narrow drainage opening.

Viral infections or allergies can also lead to watery eyes. Certain chemotherapy drugs, epinephrine, and some eye drops can cause the problem as well.

There are many other possible causes too for watery eyes. Once you have identified the cause, it becomes easier to treat the issue. Some of the other watery eyes causes can include:

  • Aging
  • Environmental irritants, such as smog, mold, dust, dander, chemicals, bright lights, hot wind, and airborne allergens
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Blepharitis
  • Foreign particles
  • Abrasions
  • Eyelids turning either inward or outward

Watery Eyes Symptoms:

Watery eyes can give a glassy look in the eyes. Tears dripping from the eyes are a common symptom. The influx of the tears can spill over onto your face, and it would appear as if you are crying. Visit your doctor immediately if along with watery eyes, you also experience decreased vision, pain around the eyes and a pricking sensation in the eyes.

Some related, watery eyes symptoms that may happen along with watery eyes include a runny nose, Epiphora, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, dry eyes, etc.

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Watery Eyes Treatment:

Watery eyes can be treated quickly with eye drops, medication, and warm compresses. However, if the condition is due to draining issues, surgery is the best option.

For a thorough examination and diagnosis, and to discuss the watery eyes treatment options that are available, consult your eye specialist. To diagnose your condition, your doctor will ask you about your medical history, the symptoms you are experiencing and your lifestyle. He will conduct a physical exam and an eye exam to diagnose the situation. Once he finds the cause of watery eyes, he will suggest a treatment plan.

Watery Eyes Prevention

As watery eyes are chiefly due to an issue with the lacrimal system, it is crucial to protecting the system from breaking down. You can follow the following steps to prevent watery eyes.

  • Wear protective eyewear to keep it safe from injuring, sunlight and burns
  • If you are allergic to certain things, take care to stay away from the same
  • Take a nourishing, well-balanced diet
  • Refrain from touching or rubbing your eyes when they are irritated or itchy
  • Do not go near people who have any kind of bacterial or viral infections
  • Wash your hands at frequent intervals to keep it clean
  • With age, it is more important to go for regular eye checkups to ensure that your eyes are in excellent health at all times
  • Drink plenty of water to avoid being dehydrated

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In most cases, the symptoms of the condition clear up on their own within a few hours or days. The time to heal will depend on the watery eyes causes and the treatment plan that has been chosen. Keep in mind the preventative tips to ensure clear vision at all times.

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