Secondhand smoke is the mixture of the smoke that is released upon the burning of tobacco and the smoke breathed out by the smoker. As per secondhand smoke facts, a cigarette comprises over 7000 chemicals out of which hundreds are toxic.

Secondhand smoke is the mixture of the smoke that is released upon the burning of tobacco and the smoke breathed out by the smoker. As per secondhand smoke facts, a cigarette comprises over 7000 chemicals out of which hundreds are toxic.
It might still be a question that whether one can defy the process of ageing. Well, many anti-aging beauty products claim to do so. But, if you follow some natural or home tips for younger looking skin, then you shall give your nod to some extent.
Your metabolism comprises a wide range of biological processes that take place internally, which includes the breakdown of the foods that you consume and converting them into energy. There are various ways by which you can increase your metabolism.
As per obesity statistics, one-third of the global population is now obese and the obesity epidemic is only growing. Obesity is when you have plenty of body fat that puts you at a risk of several ailments including reproductive disorders, osteoarthritis, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, among many others. Obesity can have an adverse effect on the functioning of every important body organ.
Scars or injury marks on the skin are not uncommon. Some of the marks disappear with time on their own while some require a scar treatment to remove the spot.
Whether you go for a daily-use spectacle, bifocal, single vision (distance/near power) or just zero power, the selection of right eye lenses is very important for the health of your eyes and vision.
Oily skin is due to the presence of overactive sebaceous glands that are affected by different factors including hormones, heat, humidity and aggressive washing or scrubbing. Still, there is a need to have some good oily skin control and prevention techniques.
Smoking is one of the chief causes of death in the world today. Every year thousands of people die from side effects of smoking and smoking related illnesses.
Smoking is extremely harmful for your health. When cigarettes burn they generate over 7000 chemicals and most of them are poisonous. Almost 69 of them can lead to cancer. Smoking can increase your chance of contracting over 50 serious health issues. Every puff of your cigarette is harming almost every organ of the body. Here are some harmful health effects of smoking cigarettes.
The World Health Organization (WHO) studies, says that there are more than 290 million people in the world living with total or partial blindness, but the shocking news is that almost 80% of them could have been avoided or cured if the eye disease symptoms were identified in their early stages.
Having a dry skin is not a matter of grave concern, but the important thing is how you look after it. You are supposed to put extra effort in the skin care for dry skin so that its natural beauty is maintained for a long time.