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Alcohol and drug addiction
About Alcohol and drug abuse
According to the National Council of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, one in every 12 adult Americans suffers from alcohol abuse. It has become the nation’s number one problem, and people have started considering addiction as a disease. It has become a matter of concern as it affects millions of people by posing implications on the economy, health care system, and marital and family life.
Alcohol is a colorless volatile liquid found in beer, wines, and spirits that causes intoxication. Consumption of alcohol at moderate levels has shown loads of health benefits. As everyone knows excess of everything is bad so the same goes for alcohol. Uncontrolled intake of alcohol can put your health in hazardous circumstances. Alcoholics switch to narcotic drugs to overcome the addiction. Regular intake of narcotic drugs increases the chances of drug abuse in an alcoholic person.
Drug dependence is the addiction to some illegitimate drugs or alcohol despite knowing the substance will cause problems later in life.
Causes of alcohol and drug addiction:
There is no specified cause of alcoholism/ drug addiction. Consumption in excess can change the judgmental and analyzing capacity of the brain leading to increased craving of addictives. There are certain risk factors that can cause this condition such as:
• The age factor is one of the most common reasons for addiction. Teens put themselves at a higher risk of getting dependent on alcohol and drugs
• A person who has a family history of addiction is at higher risk due to environmental factors
• Males are anyhow more susceptible than females to becoming physically dependent on addictives
• Mental disorders like depression, schizophrenia and anxiety makes the person prone to drinking/ smoking drugs
• Friends and peers have a great impact on individual’s minds. They can compel you to indulge in drinking activity
• People having narcotic drugs and tobacco are more prone to drink
Signs and Symptoms:
1. Marijuana:
• Red eyes
• Loud talking
• Inapt laughter followed by lethargy
• Loss of interest
2. Alcohol:
• Recurrent hangovers
• Careless drinking before driving
• Excessive binge drinking
3. Depressants:
• Constricted pupils
• Difficulty concentrating
• Clumsiness
• Poor decision making ability
• Slurred verbal communication
• Sleepiness
4. Stimulants
• Dilated pupils
• Hyperactivity
• Euphoria
• Bad temper
• Nervousness
5. Inhalants (glues, aerosols, vapors):
• Watery eyes
• Vision problems
• Memory problems
• nose or mouth rashes
• Headaches and nausea
6. Hallucinogens (LSD, PCP):
• Dilated pupils
• Strange and unreasonable behavior including paranoia
• Antagonism
• Hallucination
7. Heroin:
• Constricted pupils
• Insensitivity of pupils to light
• Needle marks
• Sleeping at unusual times
• Sweating
• Vomiting
• Coughing
• Sniffling
• trembling
• Loss of appetite
Adverse effects of the problem:
Addiction to drugs or alcohol is responsible for creating some life-changing problems:
• Mishappenings
• Sudden demises
• Health exertiona
• Family, financial and social issues
Preventive measures:
The following strategies or steps can be taken to avoid the use of alcohol and illegitimate drugs:
• Educate people to handle stress and uneasiness
• Train them the ways to strengthen the self-esteem
• raise the taxes on tobacco and other alcoholic products to cut down their use
• Put a check on marketing and advertisements of the addictive substances
Common Anti-addiction medicines:
Some universal anti-addiction drugs that you can buy online are:
• Naltima
• Acamprol
• Dizone etc.
Myths and facts:
Myth: if you are pregnant and use drugs then your body will protect your baby
Fact: drugs affect the unborn child much more than any other person and even the mother who is taking drugs. The child who is still in the womb may get addicted or may have some mental or physical health issues
Myth: Teenagers can’t get addicted as they are very young
Fact: No, as a habit of illegal drugs and alcohol can happen at any age. A teenager is at a very high risk of getting addicted due to environmental and companion pressures.
Diagnosis of addiction:
Diagnosis of addiction is done by screening by a doctor who will rule out whether the person is addicted or is at risk stage. After the preliminary diagnosis, he is sent for a blood test to identify the presence of the drug in the bloodstream of the patient.If the drug is found to be present, the patient is sent for further tests and subsequently treatment.
Treatment for addiction:
Treatment of alcohol addiction is a time-consuming process and requires a lot of patience. The alcoholic person at times may feel that an alcohol-free life is impossible but in reality, it is possible, for this all you need to maintain a never-give-up attitude. There are various measures that can be taken to make your life alcohol-free. Treatment varies from person to person.
Different measures for the treatment of alcohol are as follows:
1. Counseling - Discussing things with an expert professional can help you in guiding and planning the right strategy for tackling the condition. Cognitive behavioral therapy is commonly used to treat alcohol/drug addiction. The counselor will help you manage your stress levels and warn you about the potential hazards of drinking alcohol/ consuming drugs.
2. Detoxification - In this alcohol/drug is flushed out of the body and is taken to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms are the serious side effects shown by the body when an individual reduces or stops alcohol consumption. It happens because of the hyper-excitable state of the brain. Symptoms can range from mild like sleep disturbances and anxiety to life-threatening conditions such as convulsions or seizures.
Disulfiram and Chlordiazepoxide are the commonly prescribed drugs for this condition
3. Drug therapy - Naltrexone and Acamprosate are the most preferred drugs that help in reducing the craving for alcohol. It is prescribed for 12 months and is given during the early stages of self-control when there is a maximum chance of relapse.Minor side effects associated with this are diarrhea, allergic reactions, and irregular heartbeats.
Acamprosate is a US FDA-approved drug for the treatment of addiction
4. Parenteral drugs & and; Monthly injection of Naltrexone helps the person to live an alcohol-free life who cannot take oral medicine
5. Rehabilitation centers - These centers are specially created for alcohol/drug-dependent patients. Patients can stay in a rehabilitation center for the treatment. The main purpose is to cease the use of alcohol to prevent harmful consequences. They adopt various strategies to encourage the patients to stay away from alcohol. They help patients to identify, avoid, and cope with the relapse situation. They motivate the patient try to inculcate positive thinking and keep on boosting their confidence.
You can buy cheap and reliable alcohol and drug treatment medicines online from various reputed online pharmacies.
Steps to improve the health:
Self-restraining from alcohol is very important to prevent further damage to your body. Changes in routine life are beneficial for the alcoholics. Problem drinking can be managed by improving the social circle of an alcoholic. Don’t indulge yourself in any activity that can impair your recovery process such as smoking. Take spiritual help, do regular exercise, meditation and develop good habits
The important thing to know:
Keep your mind preoccupied with involving yourself in recreational activities. Read good motivational stuff to enhance your confidence and never lose hope.
What is the best treatment for alcoholism?
Naltrexone is the preferred choice due to its preferable dosing schedule and the ability to start treatment for alcohol dependence while the person is still drinking. In addition, psychological treatments, including counseling, family therapy, group therapy, alcoholics or support group meetings, addiction treatment programs, and hospital treatment, are effective.
What are the common and most effective medications to be used for alcohol dependence?
The FDA approved three medicines to treat alcohol use disorder, namely naltrexone, disulfiram, and acamprosate.
What medicines to give to alcoholics to stop drinking?
Medicines for treating alcohol dependence have been adjunctive interventions, and only three medicines, naltrexone, disulfiram, and acamprosate, are approved for alcohol dependence by the Food and Drug Administration.
How can you stop drinking with medicine?
Naltrexone blocks certain parts of the brain that make you feel pleasure and intoxication. You stop feeling the pleasure that forces you to drink. Whereas disulfiram works by making you feel sick if you consume alcohol.
What types of medicines are available for alcohol detox?
Naltrexone is an anti-craving agent that not only reduces cravings but also reduces relapse rates and increases abstinence rates. Therefore, it can be considered a perfect drug for alcohol detox.
What is the most effective treatment for alcohol withdrawal?
Benzodiazepines are the first-line treatment for alcohol withdrawal. These drugs are safe, effective, and the preferred treatment option for Alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
Can I consume alcohol after taking medicine?
Individuals taking medicines for alcohol dependence are advised to avoid drinking alcohol when following prescription treatment for alcohol dependence.
What is the best way to treat alcoholism?
Limiting alcohol intake or taking regular breaks from alcohol is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of becoming dependent on it. With motivation and appropriate support, one can stop drinking and reduce their alcohol intake to limited levels.
What is the most common therapy approach for alcoholism?
Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most common methods for treating alcohol use disorder that helps to identify feelings and situations leading to heavy drinking.
What is the best website to buy medicines online?
Reliablerxpharmacy offers a wide range of medicines, including those used for alcohol use disorder. You can buy alcohol and drug treatment at quite affordable rates.
Is a prescription required for alcohol and drug treatment?
Your doctor may suggest the best treatment for alcohol use disorder. Medicines are usually prescribed in combination with counseling. Acamprosate was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat alcohol dependence.
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